Spirituality is always seen in the light of religion. We always see spirituality with the glasses of religion or we correlate spiritualism with certain beliefs or practices. But true spiritualism is a broad concept, bigger than our beliefs and practices. So to be clear, let us understand the spirituality and religion in detail.

Religion: Religion is usually adhering to a certain belief. Religious means simply following a specific ideology or a set of rules. Religion is a path to god. It involves a fear of the consequences of your actions and fulfillment of wishes. In a religion, everything is already discovered and written. We are taught and told to follow as it is generation by generation without questioning it.

Spirituality: Spirituality is a natural thing. There is no set of rules or standards. It is simply your own consciousness recognizing that you are a soul with infinite potential rather than just a body. It simply lets you follow your heart, listen to your inner self and do what is right for yourself and for others in your surrounding. There is no fear of punishment. It lets you discover your inner happiness with whatever rules or practices you follow. Spirituality may change with time depending on your experiences and relationships.

So, to attain spirituality you don't have to be religious. It is not connected to any sacred place or rituals. You can develop your own ways, search new paths and find new methods to attain spirituality. You cannot find true spirituality through a religion as if one follows a certain religion, the same person rejects the teachings of other religion. Although every religion in some way or the other tells the truth and shows the same path to the god. Spirituality is not just about yourself but it is about all the living species on the earth.

My path to spirituality: Whether you follow a religion or not, theist or atheist, pessimistic and optimistic, you must have certain beliefs. So I believe in my inner self, my heart, and my intuition. I always listen to my heart and mind and correlate it with my experiences. I believe in whatever  I experience with my sense organs (eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue). They will not lie to me. I can have full faith in them.

But the fact is, I also born in a religious family. Since childhood, I learned the rules, practices, and rituals of the religion. But as I grown up and started thinking about all that we have discussed above. I came to a conclusion that there is some power or any force which are driving, regulating and managing the whole universe, to which we are also a part. Although unknown we cannot deny its existence. we can call it by any name, represent through any symbol or Pray in whatever Manner, we can feel its existence all the time. So no matter which religion I follow or to which god I pray, my prayers are always with that power or force.

So, to achieve spirituality you need not to follow certain religion or rituals. Its all depends on one's own beliefs. Spirituality helps us to understand the life and to find the true happiness, and the rest depends on your deeds.